Dallas, Texas, 15-20 January 1995
The dryline frequently observed in the Southern Plains is important as a favored zone for convective development in the spring and early summer (Rhea 1966), although the mechanism of convective initiation is not well known (Ziegler and Hane 1993). It represents the boundary separating warm, moist air, extending northward from the Gulf of Mexico, from drier air originating over the high terrain in the southwestern United States and Mexico. The basic characteristics of the dryline have been detailed by Schaefer (1986).
Study of the dryline, as with any mesoscale meteorological phenomenon, has been hampered by the lack of high temporal and spatial resolution data. One solution has been to use observations from aircraft and mobile ballooning facilities to try to capture cross-sections across the dryline (Ziegler and Hane 1993). With the development and deployment of automated meteorological observing systems, it is now possible to observe the surface characteristics of the dryline with higher resolution than in the past. A network of such systems, the Oklahoma Mesonet (Crawford et al. 1994), has put at least one station in every county in Oklahoma recording standard meteorological variables every five minutes. In addition, over a small area of southwestern Oklahoma, a second network of identical sensors, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), has placed 41 stations over an approximately 1000 km2 area, providing extremely dense observations in time and space. The two networks combine to provide "targets of opportunity" for case studies of meteorological events when they occur in the network any time of the year.
We wish to document one such event in this paper. On 14 April 1994, a small area of very dry, warm air moved northward through the Oklahoma Mesonet and ARS networks, just ahead of the larger-scale dryline. With the standard observational network, this event would have gone undetected. Thus, besides being of scientific interest, this case illustrates the problem of detecting potentially important mesoscale boundaries with the standard observing network. Although no storms formed on this day, owing to the strong capping inversion, the presence of the strong mesoscale gradients of moisture seen here could be significant on other days.
Observations were made on this day by the mobile mesonet of the Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment (VORTEX) (Rasmussen et al. 1994), but we will focus in this preliminary study on the fixed-site mesonet observations. Blending of these observational data sets with those from the field project will be the focus of future work.
A series of observations over a
period of 150 minutes illustrates the
movement and basic behavior (Fig. 1).
At 1900 UTC, the dryline can be seen
in western Oklahoma, where the
dewpoints go from 3 C or less in the
extreme west up to 20 C in the south-
central part of the state. The
observation of a 9 C dewpoint at
Grandview ("G") at 1900 UTC with
south-southwesterly wind provides an
interesting challenge for the analyst
as to the placement of the dryline in
the extreme southern part of the
state. As time goes on, the dewpoint
drops at Grandview and Walters ("W")
and the wind veers around to the
southwest (1930 UTC). The dewpoint
then begins to increase again at
those sites with a backing of the
wind. Further to the northeast, the
dewpoint rapidly drops at Acme ("A"),
reaching 3 C at 2030 UTC, at which
time the Grandview dewpoint has risen
to 14 C. Dewpoint values equal to
the extremely low dewpoint at Acme
are still confined to extreme western
Oklahoma, almost 200 km to the west,
and a case could be made that the
main dryline is still west of
Grandview. Recovery to dewpoints in
the teens at Acme is rapid and by
2100 UTC, the lowest dewpoint in
central Oklahoma is at Minco ("M").
Finally, by 2130 UTC, dewpoints
across western Oklahoma begin to drop
(Acme is back to 10 C) as the main
dryline approaches, finally reaching
Acme by about 2230 UTC (not shown).
A small area of dry air from
southwest to northeast can be tracked
using the Oklahoma mesonet and the
ARS sites located near Acme. A
series of stations lies nearly along
the direction of movement of the dry
air over a distance of approximately
30 km (Fig. 2). When the dewpoint
temperature is plotted versustime for
these sites, the continuous
progression of the dry air and
subsequent moisture return is
apparent (Fig. 3
). The dewpoint
falls by 10-14 C over a period of two
hours, but recovers to within 2 C of
the original dewpoint value within 30
minutes. The onset of the return of
moisture is the most easily tracked
feature. It advances at a speed of
10-12 m s-1 from a direction of 200.
This is approximately the speed and
direction of the low-level winds in
the moist sector.
The relationship of
meteorological variables to each
other during the course of the event
is best illustrated by looking at a
time series from Acme (Fig. 4). The
temperature steadily rises at a rate
of about 1 C hr-1 until the return of
moisture begins. At the onset of the
moistening, there is a 0.9 C drop in
the temperature over five minutes.
The wind direction shows more
dramatic changes, with the wind
veering about twenty degrees during
the dry episode, but then rapidly
returning to its original direction
in the moist air. Note that the wind
speed remains relatively constant
throughout the entire episode. Also
of interest, the standard deviation
of the wind speed and direction show
remarkably small changes throughout
the period of drying and moistening.
There is no evidence of the gustiness
of the wind in the dry air typically
associated with dryline passage.
Instead, the impression is of a
distinct dry air mass, with slightly
different momentum.
The existence of the high spatial
resolution observations from the ARS
network allows us the unique
opportunity to see the horizontal
extent of the dry pocket. At the
time of the lowest dewpoint reading
in the network, the dewpoint changes
from 11.2 C to -0.4 C, and back up to
4.7 C over a distance of
approximately 12 km (Fig. 5). The
gradient is particularly strong on
the eastern side of anomaly, with the
minimum dewpoint of 7.4 C observed at
the southeasternmost station in the
network, while the station 5 km to
the west reached 1.1 C (Fig. 6
). The
two stations have similar dewpoints
until approximately 1940 UTC, when
the eastern station quickly returns
to the moist air dewpoint value while
the dewpoint continues to drop at the
western site. The horizontal scale
of this anomaly appears to be on the
order of 30 km, but it persists for a
period of a few hours within the
state of Oklahoma. Clearly, the
standard observing network would have
a difficult time detecting this
feature, let alone capturing it in
sufficient detail to resolve it.
Properly timed, hourly reports would
only see one observation at most from
this feature. An analyst would be
hard-pressed to determine whether it
is real or not. Only with the high
temporal and spatial resolution data
can the existence and extent of this
feature be verified. Note that it
could not be identified it until it
reached the mesonet region.
Clearly, a small region of dry
air moved through southwestern
Oklahoma on 14 April 1994. Although
the boundaries of this region were
not associated with deep convection
on this day, it seems plausible to
believe that phenomena of this kind
could have significant impacts on the
initiation of convection,
perhaps with only slightly different
environmental conditions. Davies-
Jones and Zacharias (1988) identified
waves on the dryline that produced
observed changes in dewpoint almost
as large as we have seen on a day
that produced multiple violent
tornadoes. Their waves were of a
much larger scale than the feature
seen here and moved along the dryline
approximately with the speed of the
v-component of wind over the lower
half of the troposphere. They
speculated on the origin of the
waves, dismissing gravity waves and
suggesting that symmetric instability
might be relevant. Sanders and
Blanchard (1993) looked at the same
case and concluded that horizontal
advection of dry air was not
responsible for the waves on that day
since the maximum of the correlation
of the dewpoint and the westerly
component of the wind was at zero
time lag. If advection was
responsible, they reasoned, the
dewpoint should lag the winds. In
our case, however, there is a maximum
correlation of almost the same
magnitude at a lag of 50 minutes in
addition to the maximum at zero lag
(Fig. 7).
The question of the origin of the
dry air remains open to speculation.
1800 UTC upper air soundings for the
VORTEX project from Norman (OUN) and
just west of the Acme site illustrate
the strong gradient in moisture above
the boundary layer in Oklahoma that
day (Fig. 8). To reach the surface
values observed in the ARS network
the OUN sounding would have to be
mixed almost to 500 hPa. This seems
unreasonably deep, but the Mobile
Cross-chain Loran Atmospheric
Sounding System (M-CLASS) (Rust et
al. 1990)
sounding would only need to be mixed
to approximately 800-750 hPa. (Note
that the apparently bad data near and
above 220 hPa in the M-CLASS sounding
does not affect our interest in the
lower troposphere.) The strong
moisture gradient suggests that it is
possible that even drier air existed
off to the southwest of the area and
that by the time the surface dry
pocket reached Acme at 2030 UTC, the
environmental conditions might have
been drier. We do not have
observations at 1800 UTC to support
this speculation, but if true, an
even shallower layer would have to be
mixed. A significant amount of
momentum would have had to be lost
during any mixing process from the
1800 UTC soundings, since the winds
just above 850 hPa in the M-CLASS
sounding are 35 kts.
If mixing is responsible for the dry air, a significant question is why the mixing remained confined to such a small area. It is possible that such small areas of mixing are relatively common and that it is only with the advent of very high-density observing networks that they become obvious. A more careful, long-term look at the mesonet observations will be necessary to identify the frequency of such events. Further, the lack of gustiness of the wind in the dry air is interesting if mixing of a significant depth of the atmosphere is invoked as the explanation.
Other mechanisms could be responsible. It is at least conceivable that the inhomogeneities in the moisture field are being advected. During the previous night, convection took place in north and west Texas and it is possible that some of the heating of the processed air could result in the observed temperature and dewpoint. Again, the absence of high-density observations south of the Oklahoma Mesonet makes this unverifiable. In any event, the small horizontal extent of the anomaly makes its persistence remarkable.
There are a number of interesting forecasting implications of this event (see also Doswell et al. 1995). The first is the detection of the anomaly. As mentioned before, lower resolution observing systems would have yielded one observation of the dry air at most. The question of representativeness immediately comes up. It is possible that remote observations, from platforms such as satellite or the WSR88-D operating in clear air mode, might provide indirect evidence of the different air mass.
A second question relates to the
relationship of such anomalies to
convection, in particular. We do not
know what the vertical motion fields
are associated with the passage of
the dry air, although there is weak
convergence in conjunction with the
wind shift. If these events are not
extremely rare, it is possible that
their vertical motion fields could be
significant contributors to
convective initiation in the vicinity
of the dryline. Doswell (1987)
discussed the importance of mesoscale
(or smaller scale) events in the
initiation of convection. While the
scale of the anomaly detected here is
small in some sense, it is large when
compared to an individual
thunderstorm. As such, convergence
at the boundary of a similar anomaly
on a day with a weaker capping
inversion (see Fig. 8) might be
significant in the development of
We plan to look more closely at this day and include data from a wide variety of sources, including the standard NWS observations and the mobile observations from VORTEX. The blending of data from these various platforms will require significant effort since the instrumentation is different, but it should help provide a more complete picture of the evolution of the atmosphere on this day.
Crawford, K. C., F. D. Brock, R. L. Elliott, G. W. Cuperus, S. J. Stadler, H. L. Johnson, and C. A. Doswell III, 1994: The Oklahoma Mesonet: A twenty-first century project. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 11, submitted.
Davies-Jones, R., and D. Zacharias, 1988: Contributing factors in the 10 May 1985 tornado outbreak in northwest Kansas. Preprints, 15th Conference on Severe Local Storms. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Baltimore, Maryland, 284-287.
Doswell, C A. III, 1987: The distinction between large-scale and mesoscale contribution to severe convection: A case study example. Wea. Forecasting, 2, 3-16.
Doswell, C. A. III, H.E. Brooks, and E. N. Rasmussen, 1995: Forecasting isues and implications from the VORTEX-94 project. Preprints, 14th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Dallas, Texas, this volume.
Rasmussen, E. N., J. M. Straka, R. Davies-Jones, C. A. Doswell III, F. H. Carr, M. D. Eilts, and D. R. MacGorman, 1994: Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment: VORTEX. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 995-1006.
Rhea, J. O., 1966: A study of thunderstorm formation along dry lines. J. Appl. Meteor., 5, 58- 83.
Rust, W. D., R. Davies-Jones, D. W. Burgess, R. A. Maddox, L. C. Showell, T. C. Marshall, and D. K. Lauritsen, 1990: Testing a mobile version of a Cross-Chain Loran Atmospheric (M-CLASS) Sounding System. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 71, 173-180.
Sanders, F., and D. O. Blanchard, 1993: The origin of a severe thunderstorm on 10 June 1985. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 133-149.
Schaefer, J. T., 1986: The dryline. Mesoscale Meteorology and Forecasting, P. S. Ray, Ed., Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, 549- 572.
Ziegler, C. L., and C. E. Hane, 1993: An observational study of the dryline. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1134-1151.