Storm Tracker Analysis Tool and Archive: Version 3

An interactive tool for tracking convective clusters from satellite and radar data*

Robert Rabin1,2 and Tom Whittaker2

1NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)

Includes near real-time and archived satellite, radar, and environmental data for the CONUS.

                             Beginning in 2009

                             Composite GOES east and west IR (11 micron) imagery at 15-minute intervals
                             Hybrid scan reflectivity from WSR-88D network  (from NSSL National Mosiac QPE analysis)

                             Satellite and radar attributes (such as cloud top temperature and maximum azmuthal shear)
                             Environmental parameters from objective analysis of surface and RUC data (NOAA/SPC)
                             Paths are from K-means tracking of satellite IR features and are scale dependent


            Usage Guide:

                1) Frames to display (default=10)       
                2) Date
                3) End time
                4) Enhancement

                If zoom is selected, click on image to magnify. Zoom may be applied repeatedly.
                Roam is enabled by holding left mouse button and moving the cursor.

      • Time-series window:
            1) Activate by placing cursor on desired track and holding down shift key and left mouse button at the same time.
            2) Drag time series window to desired location: move the cursor while holding the left mouse button.
            3)Plot desired parameters from clicking on pull down menu and selecting up to two for display at any one time.
            4)Values of plotted parameters may be obtained from the labels on the y-axis,
                or displayed when moving the cursor over the points on the graphs.

                    Sample Display                                                                      
Sample Display

Click here to launch Storm Tracker

*Support for this work was provided by the NOAA High Performance Computing and  Communications  project (HPCC) and the GOES I/M Product Assurance Plan (GIMPAP)

 Presentation at the AMS Annual meeting in January 2004: "Storm Tracker: a Web-Based Tool for Working with the Automated Tracking of Thunderstorm Clusters": 

Disclaimer. The products and imagery shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

Last update was 19 June 2009. Feedback.