NSSL Laboratory Review 2015


The 2015 NSSL Lab Review is being held February 25–27, 2015 at:

The National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd.
Norman, OK 73072.


Hotel Reservations

Lodging for the NSSL Lab Review has been arranged at:

NCED Conference Center and Hotel
2801 East State Hwy 9
NormanOklahoma 73071
Phone: 405-447-9000

This room block will expire on Tuesday, February 3, so if you plan to reserve a room at the NCED, please make sure you do so on or before February 3. To make your hotel reservation please call the hotel directly at 405-447-9000 ext 0. You will need to reference the group name (National Severe Storms Laboratory Review) or group number (3326).

Please contact Kelly Lynn at Kelly.Lynn@noaa.gov or 405-325-6907 if you have any questions.

The NCED (National Center for Employee Development) is a Marriott facility offering a full-service, smoke-free property with a wide array of amenities.


Lunch (for reviewers only) and coffee/snacks (for all visitors) for the 3-day review will be provided by NSSL. Visitors may purchase lunch at the Flying Cow restaurant or other local restaurants (list to be provided at review). The NCED has a buffet restaurant and a lounge that offers a food menu.

More information about dining choices in the vicinity of the Weather Center and in the city of Norman may be found at National Weather Center website and VisitNorman.com.

Internet Access

OU GUest network terms of service page

The “OU Guest” network Terms of Service page [+]

Internet access and power for laptop computers will be provided for reviewers at the NSSL review. Access at the Weather Center will be through the “OU Guest” wifi network.

To connect to the OU Guest Network: open a browser window and go to http://nwc.ou.edu/. A Terms of Service agreement page will load; click on the check box to accept the terms and then click on “Accept.” It takes a few minutes for access to be processed. The access period is 24 hours; after that, the user must accept the terms again.

Ground Transportation

Airport Express shuttle service runs from the airport to the NCED. Call toll-free 877-688-3311 to make advance reservations.

Reviewers and visitors should plan to drive or carpool to the National Weather Center.

Driving Directions

From Will Rogers International Airport (OKC) to the NCED:

From the NCED to the National Weather Center:

From the National Weather Center to North Base, 1313 Halley Circle (PAR tours):