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About NSSL
Weather Research
Research Tools
- Field Projects (present and past)
- TORUS (2019–2020)
- VORTEX Southeast (VORTEX-SE) (2016–2018)
- EPIC (2017)
- RiVorS (2017)
- PECAN (2015)
- Southwest Colorado Radar Project (2010)
- VORTEX2 (2009–2010)
- TELEX (2003–2004)
- IPEX (2000)
- TIMEx (1997)
- Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT)
- MPAR Project
- Warn on Forecast
News & Media
- NSSL News
- Multimedia
- Fact Sheets
- Media Resources
- Logos (NSSL, NOAA, NWS)
- B-Roll
- Norman NOAA Weather Partners Media Resources
- Severe Weather 101
- Thunderstorms: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- Tornadoes: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ :: “Twisters” FAQ
- Lightning: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- Floods: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- Hail: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- Damaging Winds: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- Winter Weather: Basics :: Types :: Detection :: Forecasting :: FAQ
- For Educators
- For Students
- For Everyone
Site Tools
- Contact Us
- Privacy Policy
- Accessibility Statement
- Disclaimer
- Site Information
- Site Map (you are here)
- Search
- NSSL Science Applications: apps.nssl.noaa.gov
- CAMs (Convection Allowing Models) Viewer: cams.nssl.noaa.gov
- NSSL Data Repository (PARR): data.nssl.noaa.gov
- The Hazardous Weather Testbed: hwt.nssl.noaa.gov
- Inside NSSL — Research and project news and blogs
- mPING Project: mping.nssl.noaa.gov
- MRMS Operational Product Viewer: mrms.nssl.noaa.gov
- Probabilistic Hazard Information (PHI): phi.nssl.noaa.gov
- Warn on Forecast System Data Viewer: wof.nssl.noaa.gov
- Cloud-Based WoF Data Viewer: cbwofs.nssl.noaa.gov/
Can't Find It Here?
NSSL's research spans weather radar, tornadoes, flash floods, lightning, damaging winds, hail, and winter weather. We're not generally involved with hurricane research and forecasting, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, space weather, real-time weather forecasting ("Is it going to rain in my neighborhood tonight?") or maintaining historical weather data ("Did it rain in my neighborhood this time last year?"). If you're looking for information on these topics, you may find these links helpful:
- Hurricanes: The National Hurricane Center
- Earthquakes: The U.S. Geological Service Earthquake Hazards Program
- Tsunamis: The NOAA Tsunami Site
- NOAA National Ocean Service: What is a meteotsunami?
- Volcanoes: The U.S. Geological Service Volcano Hazards Program
- Space Weather: The NOAA NWS Space Weather Site
- Local, real-time weather forecasting: The NOAA National Weather Service
- Climate and historical weather data (past weather info): NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (formerly NCDC)