NSSL Video

That Weather Show: Dual Polarization Technology

NSSL's videographer James Murnan has released a creative outreach video explaining dual-polarization radar technology. Part of the“That Weather Show” series, the video creatively spoofs popular commercials to talk about the benefits of the planned upgrade to existing National Weather Service weather radars. Viewers are taken into another dimension called, “The Dual-Polarization Zone.” Dual-polarization technology will give forecasters more precise information to accurately diagnose severe weather.

The video also addresses questions such as, “What is dual polarization technology?” and “Why should you care?” Murnan has created 30 videos over the past few years on topics ranging from phased array radar technology to the Coastal and Inland Flooding Observation and Warning project (CI-FLOW).

NSSL has been a leader and major contributor to the scientific and engineering development of dual-polarized weather radar. This 25-year history is being rewarded as the NOAA National Weather Service will soon begin a major upgrade to all of their weather radars using this technology.