MPAR Software Upgrades Project
Spring 2014
- Multifunction
- Aircraft detection and tracking algorithms that are robust in the presence of weather and ground clutter
- Adaptive scheduling of weather and aviation functions using interlaced scans
- Integrated radar data displays that show both aircraft and weather information
- Adaptive weather scanning
- Adaptive vertical sampling of storms based on their range
- Radial-by-radial pulse-repetition-time adjustment based on range of storms
- Adaptive definition of focused weather scans (ADAPTS) based on range of storms
- Signal processing and software infrastructure
- On-line measurement of the range correlation to improve performance of range oversampling techniques
- Development of Staggered Pulse Repetition Time processing mode (non-operational)
- Significant improvements to the radar user interface to control and monitor the performance of new and existing algorithms
- Low-latency time-series data-distribution infrastructure to accommodate weather and aviation function processing
Spring 2013
- A new storm-region (cluster) identification algorithm
- More adaptive scanning capabilities:
- Automatic time-based scheduling of storm regions
- ADAPTS III: scheduling and processing of a detection scan for faster updates with timely detection of newly formed storms
- RTC improvements to reduce initial range of collection and to allow frequent PRT switching
- RCI client improvements to control and monitor system and algorithms
- DSP improvements for ground-clutter and range-and-velocity ambiguity mitigation
- Software infrastructure improvements to prevent data drops
Fall 2012
- ADAPTS II: surveillance mode and adaptive spatial sampling
- Auto PRT algorithm
- Time and round-robin scheduling of scanning strategies through the user interface
- On-demand, standardized level-I data format (HDF-5)
- Standardized level-II data format (XML)
- Improvements to the noise-power estimator
- Improvements to the status monitoring through the RCI
- Long-pulse transmission and processing
- Faster and more powerful RTC using the newer MVME-5500 board
Spring 2012
- Improved ADAPTS rules and thresholds
- Enhancements to the adaptive pedestal control algorithm
- Velocity display through the RCI
- Improved ground-clutter residue censoring thresholds
- Velocity dealiasing in WDSS-II
Fall 2011
- Adaptive pedestal control algorithm
- Reflectivity display through the RCI
- Surveillance function for ADAPTS and surveillance processing mode
- Improved noise-power calibration
- Level-I data recording using HDF-5 format
- Additional metadata on archived level-I data, which will facility playback of archived data with original processing settings
Spring 2011
- Storm-based automatic scanning strategy adjustments, which allow users to input storm position and motion information to adjust coverage
- Improvements to CLEAN-AP, including the addition of a clutter model
- Improvements to range oversampling
Fall 2010
- Scan processing functionality in the DSP cluster (non operational), which provides infrastructure for adaptive scanning and schedule-based scanning
Spring 2010
- Adaptive scanning using ADAPTS II (removes scanning strategy limitations of first implementation)
- Range oversampling with adaptive pseudowhitening (resulted in scanning strategies with 50% update times)
- Manual real-time scan control through the RCI
- Manual scheduling of scanning strategies through the RCI
Fall 2009
- Range oversampling and pseudowhitening (for engineering testing only)
- Improved noise-power calibration
Spring 2009
- Strong-point clutter filtering
- Data quality control using coherency-based censoring
- Adaptive scanning using ADAPTS
- Real-time PRT adjustment at the RCI
- Expanded EP Status reporting at the RCI
Fall 2008
- Ground clutter filtering using the CLEAN-AP filter
- Staggered PRT processing (not operational due to PRT-switching limitations)
- Interference suppression
- Noise-power calibration
- DC-bias calibration
Spring 2008
- Range unfolding using batch-PRT waveforms
- Matched filtering
- Data quality control using the signal-to-noise ratio
Fall 2007
- Multiprocessor system using standard 10 Gigabit Ethernet and COTS hardware
- Inexpensive, highly-versatile, scalable signal processing environment using the same software infrastructure as the Open RPG
Spring 2007
- VCP (Stimulus) builder
- Improvements to data archiving
- Development and testing of scan table scheduling
Spring 2006
- Environment Processor conversion from SKY to Matrix PC
- Radial-by-radial processing
- Radar Control Interface (RCI) upgrade
- Remote Control capability